티스토리 뷰


Very good Korean comfort food

Loaded and so enjoyable

Warms your heart and tummy



This is one of the best in Daegu or maybe in whole Korea indeed! As you see we have a very delicious bowl of warm very loaded Korean beef soup that will definitely make you drool for more! The savory light soup is so good with the very tender tasty beefy beef! You'll savor up to bottom of the bowl.




It is so enjoyable with thin noodles and rice! Hurry, share this very loaded Korean beef soup with loved ones and be sure to spread this delicious news! It's so good like no other! It is superb.




The restaurant is clean and well ventilated! Come on now with family and friends.




Have this very loaded Korean beef soup here! The best in town! You must definitely try now.




Come, savor and share this Very Loaded Korean Beef Soup.
