티스토리 뷰


One of the biggest festival in Busan, the sand festival will be held from May 19th for several days. I visited the venue, Haewoondae Beach, today(May 15th).



There is one sand work completed at the entrance of the beach. Albert Einstein saying Creativity is intelligence. You can take a picture in front of it.




As the festival is still several days away, they are still working. But only a few days left, I expected most of works done but not really.




For every work, almost 30~40% done only. I think they are working so hard as the festival is just around the corner.




Above work is, I guess, flying ironman. Only head and shoulders done. When it's done, it will be so great.




In the center of the beach, they are building the castle and characters from the lord of the ring. So find work. I really want to see when it's completed.




On the other side, only piles of sand. I think they will start working shortly.




They use the half of beach for the festival. Another half of the beach is like above.




It will start from May 19th. Enjoy the sand festival, it will be fun.

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